Monday, April 28, 2008

More African Daisies

Will and Charly stopped by and of course they had to have their pictures taken in the African Daisies (me not them). At the end of the month when it was time to pull up the daisies I really didn't want to do it so I decided to do a little bit each day. I started on Friday and pulled for an hour, an hour or two on Saturday, and on my birthday I was out there for a couple of hours. I decided that Tuesday would be the last day and by this time I had 5 garbage sacks full plus the black garbage dumpster. When I came around the corner after work they were all gone. Roy noticed a landscaping crew across the street and paid them to finish up the job. Money well spent=)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

On March 28 Roy had knee surgery on the right knee. He was out patient and came home the same day. I think it hurt lots more than he thought it would but was only off work a few days. We have been married 31 years and he has had 10 surgeries or hospitalizations: right knee, left knee, appendix, hernia, thyroid, back surgery, back surgery, back surgery, staph epi, and motorcycle accident. The knee surgery seemed pretty easy in comparison=)