Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Maddox loses a Tooth

The amazing Maddox is 7 years and one month old and still had all of his baby teeth. He has anxiously awaited the first tooth to fall from his head and it has finally happened!!! Yesterday at lunch the little bugger fell out and he has now had an encounter with the 'Tooth Fairy'. And to top it all of he has another loose tooth!! Yippeee!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cherry on Top

The perfect ending to Christmas was the family pictures. Brook arranged to have her sister, Shelby, meet the family for a photo shoot the day after Christmas. It was so much fun. Cam and Brook made little dresses for Charly and Molly. The girls rounded up black shirts for the boys and pink for themselves. Roy and I showed up. There was this incredible flurry of activity and the result is these fun pictures=) Thanks to everyone for showing up and having such a great time. I appreciate all of your efforts.

The Perfect Christmas

This brings us to the most amazing Christmas ever. Marx and Maddox were here from Florida, all the kids and grandkids were here for Christmas, the girls and I made hundreds of cookies (at least it seemed like it), and we had a family picture taken the day after Christmas. The thing that wasn't perfect was that I, again, forgot that I am 50+ not 30 and got way too many projects going. I made these cute little dogs for each of the boys because I like their zipper mouth and the fact that things can be hidden inside. I made Molly and Charly a doll quilt and a little Raggedy Ann to go with it. I think they are darling and I hope the little girls like them. The Raggedy Anns have painted faces, painted socks on their legs, and painted shoes. I'm not much of a painter but it was fun. The hair is big yarn that is wild. I wasn't going to make pajama pants because I thought I was going to make all this other stuff but Cambria convinced me that it could be done and the kids would love it. So, I gave in. At 9:30 Christmas Eve there were no Pajama pants and by 9:30 Christmas morning there were 9 pair of pants. Thanks for your help Cam. We bought a couple of crazy little Plasma Cars for Christmas and the kids had a great time riding on them. It was just so much fun to have the kids, big and small, around. We had lots of meals together and laughed a lot. It was terrific=)

Travis' BD

Brook and Travis rode their bikes in the Tour de Tucson on Travis' BD. I think Brook rode about 63 miles and Travis even farther. I am happy to walk around the block=) Anyway, we got to keep the cute kids. Luckily, Mike and Suzi Lantz were here from LV because I was a little over confident in my multi-tasking skills and couldn't have gotten things done without Suzi's help=) Travis thought a German Chocolate cake from scratch would be just the ticket for his BD. I whipped one up and while doing so remembered why I don't make them very often...too much work. But the cake got finished and it was delicious, we had a great time with the kids, and T and B were triumphant in their biking. Yeah!!

Jody's home

Roy and I went to Mexico to see Cam and Greg over Labor Day weekend. She was newly pregnant, well maybe not so new, but feeling pretty icky. She announced that she was coming home with us so we loaded her in the car with Molly and brought them back to AZ. We went to Jody's group home one day to see the gang and they thought Molly was a pure delight. The second picture is of me with Jody on the day of the Teddy Bear Boutique. She never seems to change, just a little bitty thing=)

Upside Down Tree

We have this tree in our back yard that was frosted pretty bad about three years ago. I think it is ugly and needs to be cut down and Roy thinks it is wonderful and needs to stay. I call it the 'Upside Down Tree' and would appreciate your opinion on whether it should stay or go=)

August 2009 Playing with the Darling Grandkids

Okay, so I just have to tell you that I think it is a crying shame that someone would have a blog and let it sit idle, with no attention whatsoever, for nearly six months. So much has happened and we have had so much fun but I haven't taken the time to sit down and let you know.

We had the Travis' kids for a weekend in August, I can't even remember where Brook and Trav went, but they had fun and so did we. Will is on the go, Charly holds her own between the boys, and little Travis, I mean Jack, is just plain fun to have around. Jack is a slow eater like Great Grandpa Mick and he walks up and puts his arms in the air and expects to be picked up. It's just delightful.