Monday, April 13, 2009


I meant to put this picture in the Easter Weekend and missed it. I can never figure out how to edit, so here it is.

Hummer Mama

The two hummingbird babies have hatched. Last Monday night we had a party in the backyard and mama was nervous. She left and we thought she was gone for good but she is quite dedicated. Brook took these pictures of her feeding the babies. When they were first born they were on the floor of the nest side by side and she would sit on them for long periods of time. Now she leaves them for long periods of time and we can see their little beaks and heads poking out of the nest. Great shots, Brook.

Easter Weekend

You know that it doesn't rain often in Phoenix but I made it happen. During the week I cleaned all the blinds and moved furniture so David could wash windows on Friday, he even asked if I was sure I wanted him to wash them because it was supposed to rain on Saturday. Everything was moved and I was ready so I said, "Come on over!!" Anyway, you can see what happened. Will and Charly spent Friday night because Travis was setting tile in their house after the Feb. flood. Will was sorely disappointed because he had quarters to spend at a yard sale and we didn't go because of the rain. After the rain stopped Roy and Will planted some colorful plants in our front yard. Roy and Will went to Home Depot and Will ran into a pole at full speed and wound up at the Emergency Department later Saturday evening. Luckily, no concussion, we were all just a wee bit nervous. He was ready to race Brook to the ice machine at the hospital before the MRI results had even come back=) Aaaah, to be young. Sunday everyone was here for dinner. There was egg dying, egg hunting, and lots of eating, oh, did I mention lots of laundry? The Tuttle's have been in a bit of a mess and needed to catch up. We had a great day. Check out those darling kids.
BTW, Baby # 9 is a boy=)

Happy Anniversary!!

For our anniversary, yes it has been 32 years, we started out at the gas station for a fill up, headed up to the Macaroni Grill for dinner, and finished with the Temple Pageant. Roy really wanted to have our picture taken with a soldier but we could find one. The cute girls came along and he was quick to take them over the soldier. Just about the time the pageant was ready to start he found a soldier. Soldiers are pretty popular for the photo op and we had to wait in line. You can see it was worth the wait. The Temple Pageant is so amazing. What began as an Easter sunrise service on top of a cotton wagon in 1928, has
now become the largest, annual, outdoor Easter Pageant in the world. The Mesa Arizona Easter Pageant, “Jesus the Christ,” presents the life, ministry, and mission of Jesus Christ through music, dance, and drama. There is a beautiful spirit at the pageant and even though the weather was a bit blustery and cold before the production started it calmed down and the night was beautiful. We are going to try for 32 more years=) I forgot to tell you about the Nerf guns. Cambria started the whole thing at Christmas and gave me one during Spring Break for my BD. I got one for Roy for our anniversary, needless to say they are lots of fun and I am a good shot=)

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Oh my, I had a GREAT birthday!!! It started first thing in the morning finding that the house had been heart attacked nocturnally, lots of cards, an amazing cupcake cake (I took it to school and fed the kids in my class), a book, an external hard drive, visits from friends, phone calls, dinner at Pita Jungle, CD's, chocolate, muffins, muddy buddies, money, and phone calls. Did I mention the phone calls? One of them was Brook and the kids singing 'Happy Birthday' What a fun time=)

Many Hands Make Light Work

During Spring Break it became apparent that it was time to pull the African Daisies. I love the AD and we get lots of comments from people in the neighborhood about how beautiful they are and how much they are enjoyed. Pulling is not fun and I do not enjoy that activity. What I do is divide the yard up: east of the driveway, south of the little river, west of the sidewalk, etc. and this way it is not so overwhelming. On Tuesday I pulled east of the driveway and got it all bagged and planned to have the entire job done by Saturday. Wednesday I was working on the next section and Dave stopped by on his way to work to ask if I was having fun. I told him I was having a tremendous amount of fun and he said I should call his girls to help because they were bored. I smiled and nodded and he went off to work. I kept pulling and pretty soon his daughter, Amanda, showed up with her gloves to pull daisies. I had gone into the house to beg Cam and Michelle to help and Cam was helping in her pajamas. We were pulling and talking and Alan and Deacon came out to put the pulled daisies in the garbage can, Michelle was taking pictures, Molly was all over the place. Pretty soon Denat (Amanda's friend) pulled up in her little truck and started to pull right along with everyone else=) Wow, I was in daisy pulling heaven. I stopped my pullers after a bit and told them my goal for the day had been reached and I appreciated their help and that if they had other things to do I understood. They all said, "We want to finish!!!" Well, that was music to my ears and by 10 am the daisies were all pulled, bagged, and in the pile for bulk pick-up. In fact I could hardly keep up with them. Service is a beautiful thing and I like to be on the giving end, the receiving end was a great place to be and I appreciate everyone who helped me. Whoever said, "Many hands make light work." knew what they were talking about. Thanks for the help.