Sunday, December 9, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

We took a trip to the Riparian Preserve.

Grandpa and Grandma

Filling up the tires so the race can continue.

Lizzie and the boys.

The Memmott Family

There is a lot to be thankful for: everyone is healthy, Cambria and Greg were here with their kids, Grandma and Grandpa were here from sunny Utah, Marx and Maddox spent the day, we always have plenty to eat, and a comfortable house to live in. We had a fun weekend with wall to wall blow-up mattresses and even tying a quilt. There was early morning day-after-Thanksgiving-shopping that I'm not sure is worth it. It was just fun to hang out and not do much.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thirty Year Old

Travis and Will blowing out candles Sunday night. Thanks Chris for bringing over the cake=)

No, No, NO, it just can't be. Travis is turning 30 years old on Wednesday. He says he will never be 50, I guess we'll have to wait and see=) It has been fun to have him around for the last 30 years.

Paul Bunyan

"This tree doesn't have a chance, I can have this down in 15 minutes."

" This is going well, I could do this for a living."

"I really thought this would only take 15 minutes."

"I DID IT!!! Fabulous!!"

November 17, 2007 We have two ficus trees that died after the hard frosts we had last winter. Roy decided today was the day to chop the one in the front yard down. He was going to cut it REALLY low so there wouldn't be a stump. Well, he made good progress and then got stuck for a while. He had an ax, a crowbar, two hammers, a wedge, and the chain saw. The wedge got stuck low in the tree stump and will remain there for eternity=) He didn't get it quite as low as he wanted to but the stump is below the ground and you can't tell where the tree was. Who knows when the one in the back will be felled=)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Nana's First Annual Veteran's Day Sleepover

Charly, Nana, and Will in the tent. Charly visited but didn't stay.

Hot dog cookers.

The perfect mallow.

'Cars' on the big screen.

How cool is it to make shadows?

This is the wad of humanity in the tent in the morning. Will's neck actually looks painful.

'By the way, did you know I can read a map?'

Hikers at the Riparian Preserve

The fabulous RED salt dough. Oh, what fun.

Nov. 12-Nana's 1st Annual Veteran's Day Sleepover-Marx, Maddox, and Will came over Sunday evening and we cooked hot dogs in the fire pit and made yummy smores (how do you spell that?). We watched most of the 'Cars' movie on the garage door and then the boys slept in a tent in the family room. Well, okay, they giggled, kicked the sides of the tent and didn't sleep a whole lot. We had waffles with buttermilk syrup for breakfast and I found out they REALLY like bacon. The Riparian Preserve was our outdoor adventure where we spotted ducks and a rabbit. They didn't want to get in the car to go to the Preserve and they didn't want to come home. Roy met us at the house for lunch and then they wanted red salt dough. Red is the current favorite color. Of course there was bike and trike riding and just a general good time. I can't wait until next year.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Great Escape

The Pop Tab Bracelet Sisterhood

Having a great time just chatting.

Roy under the hood at June's Cafe. He would NOT give up=)

An open hood on a car draws men like flies.

Nov 2 & 3-The Palo Verde Ward Relief Society sisters went to the 12,000 sq. ft. Barney cabin, near Heber, for an overnight getaway. We ate, laughed, talked, and just had fun. We made aluminum pop tab bracelets. Twenty-one sisters participated and Roy went along as the Priesthood person in case we needed help. He was the shadow in the background and came around when it was time to eat, not a lot to do. Until we headed home...Natalie's Excursion lost the serpentine belt and when we got to her and Roy looked under the hood he said, "We can fix that." So, we went to the close parts house and got the belt and to Show Low for the tensioner and worked in June's Cafe parking lot. Kelly, who owns June's, loaned us the tools we needed including a drop cord. We couldn't get the belt on so we went back to the cabin for the night. In the morning Clyde and Roy went to the church parking lot and found a car like Natalie's so they could draw a diagram of the belt. Back at June's 5 guys had their heads under the hood to help out. The belt went on easily, now that we realized the hose that had been in our way was aftermarket, and Natalie was back on the road. We had fun and everyone is safe.

Halloween Miscellaneous

Pumpkin Carving with Roy and Marx.

Can cheese balls be darling?

Maybe not cheese balls but Tulip Fairies can be...Darling Charly.

Will the motocross guy.

'I love this Spiderman Costume, I wish I could wear it all the time. By the way I a cactus."

October 31-Halloween is so weird, almost noone likes it but we keep doing it. Julie brought the kids over and Roy and Marx carved a pumpkin. Marx really did not want to put his hand inside to get the seeds, but finally did when Maddox was willing to do it. I made the cutest little cheese ball for staff breakfast. We went to the Tuttle home to deliver treat bags and got to see Charly (Tulip Fairy) and Will (motocross rider). What a night. We never did hand out any candy. Our favorite quote of the day was from Maddox. He walked up to me in his Spiderman costurme, held his muscled arm up at a 90 degree angle and said, "Nana, I a cactus." I thought about that for a second and he was right he looked just like a Saguaro.


Donna, Helen, and Shannon. Helen is Jody's roommate and has been for years.

Jody, with other volunteers, checking in at the end of her lap.

Barney, who works at Denny's as a buser, hands out pencils, and says he wants to get married.

Donna, Bill (who is in his 70's), and Jody

Quilt made by my quilt group for the Lura Turner Homes. I heard today that Joyce Ridge won it at the raffle. Yeah!!

October 27-Jody's group home has a boutique I usually go to each year, but this year I couldn't make it. I did make 22 pop tab bracelets that sold for $5 each before hand. So, we went to the walk-a-thon and walked with the people from her home at the park. People who pledge just give a certain amount of money, not per lap. Anyway, we walked and walked and talked and hugged. These folks are very affectionate and enjoy the social aspect of the walk. We had fun.

The Machine

Here it is!!!

The cute little treat bags I made for the kids for Halloween.

My first project on the new machine. I figure they only cost about $400 each=)

October 22-Well, I did it, I really did it. I bought a brand spankin' new sewing machine. I think my parents paid less for the 1972 Maverick they bought for me in 1973=) Anyway, I took the plunge and purchased a Bernina Aurora QE440, the QE stands for Quilter's Edition. It is pretty amazing and has a beautiful stitch. Danna and I were talking the other night and we decided that the Viking I have been using for 25 years is 33 or 34 years old=0 Did I mention the new, old 1927 Ford T Roy made his own recently?

Casa Nevada

Roy and Suzanne at Santuaro de Chimayo sharing their chili purchases.

This is what Roy wants to have for his headstone=)

This is the Cumbres and Toltec Steam train, America's highest narrow gauge railroad. It was cold at the top!

The Aspen changing color.

Donna, Roy, Suzanne, Bob

United States and Colorado flags.

The Snows at the Casa Nevada.

October 10-14-Roy was worn out from his hospital experience so it was time for a getaway. I planned a trip to New Mexico to visit the Snows. We headed out and on the way to Globe he said, 'The only place I can think of we would be going, headed this way, is Bob and Suzanne's house.' What a bright boy. We watched the Diamonbacks lose miserably, had fun talking, exploring Taos, and riding the steam train from Chama, NM to Osier, Colorado. Oh, I forgot to mention eating Bob's gourmet cooking. When we went into Chama Suzanne had Bob stop at the little quilt shop, as we were peeking through the windows the owner opened the door and invited us in. Lynn Graeves was the owner of the shop and she does classes all over the place, makes patterns, etc. and has an internet business. It was fun to be in her shop and hear her 'mile a minute' instruction about crazy quilts and other construction techniques. Sometimes I understood what she was saying and sometimes not. It was a perfect trip because we had great company (or the great company had us) and the leaves were changing on the Aspen. Roy loved all the chili that flowed and we brought some home. We learned about beekeeping from Bob and brought some 'Bob's Bees' honey home to enjoy.

Cambria's Quilt

October 2007-Cambria decided that she was going to make a quilt for her baby on the way (well over a year ago.) She was working away and Alan got the scissors and modified a few blocks during her process of creation. I had to find more fabric and send it to her. She finally got it together and sent it to me to get the borders put on. Here it is, finally, ready to go to the quilter.

Visit with Elder Holland

Travis, Brook, Elder Holland, Donna, Roy

Gotta read a book with the kids around.

I don't know if there was a 'winner' in this situation.

September 15-We had the opportunity to have a wonderful 40 minute visit with Elder Holland. We hadn't seen him since we were at his house (in Utah) after Travis got home from his mission. Before that Elder Holland was in AZ during the time Elder Tuttle and Elder Propst were being held for ransom in Russia. When we were done visiting Roy and I took care of Charly and Will while Travis and Brook went to Anthem for her to do a mini-marathon (that's not really what's it's called, I can't remember.)

The Relatives Came

This is our little 'premie' Deacon with Michelle.

The entire family on the tour.

The Roy Tuttle minus the 5 kids we left home (with babysitters, of course.)

The techs use these scooters to get around and they sure are fun. Anyone want to race?

Roy with his family.

Karen, Brook, and Travis.

On the tour looking at the amazing staircase.

Cambria and Travis.

The weekend of August 17 was eventful, the Banner Gateway Hospital had it's employee weekend and if you worked at the hosp. you could bring your family on a tour. We expected Mick and Shirley to come for the festivities but Karen, Brent and Dona Jo showed up too. We went to the Saturday barbeque with the entire fam. On Sunday, after church, we had a private showing with Roy as our guide. We had plenty of food and fun.