Sunday, January 27, 2008


Roy and Greg built a trailer for Mexico while they were here because all of the babies LOVED being pulled in our little wagon. The look on darling Charly's face says it all. Sheer Bliss=)

Charly also enjoyed the leftovers after others opened their gifts.

Greg did a great job cutting the hair of all Michelle's boys. Maddox wasn't that impressed...when he looked in the mirror after the cut he said, "I don't like it!"

Roy did quite a bit of shopping this year and one of his most fabulous finds was the $2 headlamp from Harbor Freight. All of the little boys got one, even Roy.

Marx and Papa opening gifts.

So, there was the afternoon when each family made a gingerbread house. Here is the Memmott home.

The Tuttle home.

Here is the creation Michelle and her boys made.

Heather came over and snapped a few pictures of the family. We didn't do such a great job avoiding the shadows, but we did get a family picture, such that it is. It just keeps growing=)

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