Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yard Sale Buy of the Day

Cambria needed size 3 month pajamas for her baby and someone was headed back to Mexico who was willing to take a bundle to her on Sunday. I headed out on the yard sale trail focused on jammies (and yarn, Beanie Babies, books, etc...). I found 23 pair of pj's for six bucks and was sooo excited, did I mention they are boy colors? Who cares=) My best buy of the day was this bench, oxidized to perfection=) I bought the bench with birthday money from Mick and Shirley=) Thanks!! Aren't yard sales wonderful???

What's in a name?

Here are the names of all of our grandkids (in no particular order) on the fridge. How many words can you make from these letters?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 7, 2010

Lydia Jewel (she has been called that for months) is here!! She was born at home in Mexico and everything went very well with their midwife=) According to Greg the fat little baby (8 pounds 9 ounces) might get another name. Maybe just a different middle about Rose? Lydia nurses well and Molly and Alan think she is terrific, so far. Cam says she is feeling pretty good, happy not to be sooooo prego=) Don't ya think Lydia looks like Alan? Lydia makes 10 grand babies for us and we can't wait to go see her at the end of May.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Three Year Olds and the Horses

During Spring Break (which seems like a million years ago) Deacon and Charly stayed overnight at our house. I wanted to take them to feed the goats so we got some carrots and headed out. The goats, however, were not in their usual spot so we needed to find other animals to feed. We stopped at one corral of horses and they wouldn't come to the fence. At the next corral the two huge horses were more than willing to hurry right over to the fence. Charly said, "No way, I want to go home!" and Deacon said, "Hurry, give me a carrot!!" I handed him carrots as fast as I could and the horses ate as fast as they could. The amazing thing about this is that Charly is usually fearless and the leader in risky activities while Deacon is afraid of everything and runs when you say 'boo.' I tried to teach Deacon to put the carrot on the flat palm of his hand but he just held the carrot between his thumb and index finger, he still has all of his fingers. Apparently horses lips are very sensitive.